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About the film

Arnold Cautious and the Happiness Stone is a tale of imagination and the search of happiness. Julius, who devours comics and vampire stories, has a vivid imagination. One day, he meets Arnold Cautious, who lives in an abandoned house on the outskirts of the city and introduces himself as a faded vampire who drinks strawberry juice. Julius and Cautious become friends. Together, they try to create the Happiness Stone, the recipe for which is in Cautious grandmother's secret recipe book. Julius wants to give the stone to his estranged parents so that they can rediscover their shared happiness. Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks in their laboratory experiments to create the Happiness Stone, Julius and Arnold persistently continue their search for happiness.

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Julius miettii

(Emil Paloniemi) Seven-year-old Julius devours comics and vampire stories. As his first school year approaches and the possible separation of his parents haunts his mind, Julius tries to find a solution with the help of his imagination, and his mysterious new friend Arnold Cautious, to find the keys to happiness for his parents.


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(Mikko Nousiainen) Arnold Cautious is a degenerated vampire whose skittish traits and protocol-defying, strawberry based diet puzzles other adults. Guided by his grandmother's recipe book, Cautious helps Julius in his mission to bring his parents back together. In the recipe book, they discover not only a delicious strawberry juice recipe but also the recipe for The Happiness Stone.



(Luna Huotari) Nine-year-old Ilona, Julius's sister, is a top student who has friends and a sense of style - unlike her little brother. Sometimes Ilona is annoyed and worried about Julius's lively imagination and peculiar stories. Ilona and Julius lean on each other when they don't know how to deal with their parents' situation.



(Mikko Töyssy) Kullervo is a absent-minded and gentle father. He works as a construction manager, but dreams of his own design and pantent for a perfect flyswatter, to not only remove the flies, but also the gap in between him and Julius's mother.



(Maria Ylipää) Paula is an active, energetic and accomplished style master. She works at a government agency but spends her free time designing and sewing clothes. She is concerned about Julius and how will he adjust to school. Paula shows her love through her clothes and makes a graduation dress for Ilona, while planning a headgear for Kullervo - if he only wanted one.



(Tuija Ernamo) Julius's and Ilona's grandmother wears animal prints and is a real bundle of joy. Her goal is to bring laughter and comfort to Ilona and Julius in the difficult situation. Luckily, Grandma can provide strawberry juice, meatballs, long jumps, and great advices when ever needed.